Creating a Lovely Lockdown

Creating a Lovely Lockdown

5 tips of stuff to do

while practicing social-distancing

Hello design junkies! It has been a rough few days, right? With the spread of COVID-19 and the Governments and World Health Organization’s recommendations of social distancing, just like us you might find yourself having to experience a lockdown.


We know staying locked at home is not as easy as it sounds, so we gathered a few tips to help you keep yourself busy and not so lonely during these days. Check it out:

1 - Attend a Music Festival

What? Yes! Exactly what you read! With the lockdowns adopted all throughout Europe, known musicians and independent artists are uniting to promote Music Festivals online. For example, in Spain you have #YoMeQuedoEnCasaFestival and in Portugal you have Festival #EuFicoEmCasa. Another worldwide initiative called #StayAtHomeFestival gathers international artists to live broadcast music. 

2 - Finally get sh*t done

We usually have a lot of things on our personal projects list that we can’t quite figure the time to get done. Well, this might be just the perfect timing! Take your notebook out of your drawer and choose one of your personal projects that had to be delayed before. The time to focus is now! Maybe you’re familiar with the project #inktober, in which every October artists from the entire world participate a 31 days challenge of a painting or drawing per day. Well, why not create your own project during this time of quarantine? Can be with drawing, painting, bricolage, anything you want! Use this time of lockdown as a deadline for something nice.

3 - Redecorate your home

Quite often we experience that need to redecorate, or maybe just freshen up, the house. This is the perfect moment to install those shelves you bought months ago and kept postponing it, or to just move furniture around and find a new arrangement for your living room. Moving stuff from one room to another is also a good option to redefine spaces and make them look brand new!

4 - Exercise your body 

During the lockdown, many of us can experience fatigue and other problems due to lack of exercise. Take advantage of the spare time at home to practice some Yoga following an online tutorial or even through cell phone applications like Down Dog - that is now completely free until April 1st.

5 - Exercise your mind

Have you considered that this might be the perfect time to finally read all of those books you bought and are sitting on your shelf? Create a reading list individually or even with some friends (maybe you can even start an online book club)! You can also take this time to learn some stuff through Youtube tutorials or search for online courses. 

These are just a few tips to help you to stay active and functioning during the lockdown. Don’t forget to also give yourself time to rest and relax! And in case you need to see some pretty stuff, Design Hunger will be here!


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