El Fin by Victor Von Schwarz

El Fin by Victor Von Schwarz

Meet the collection raising

glamorous awareness to humanity

It’s about time we bring you guys an article about fashion, right? This time you’ll meet Victor von Schwarz, a designer who lives between Barcelona and Taipei, who continues his personal brand four years after finishing his studies in fashion and tailoring in Spain. After a period of work on the design team of Manuel Bolaño, Josep Font and Bibian Blue he has also collaborated with brands like H&M, Fucking Young and Velux. We’ve decided to showcase here a specific collection by Victor Von Schwarz called El Fin.

El Fin collection by Victor Von Schwarz

El Fin collection by Victor Von Schwarz

With this collection, the brand aims to picture the death of Mankind as a consequence of the waste culture we’ve developed throughout the history of humanity. In an uncertain social context where the culture of “using and throwing away” reigns, we can expect exponential growth in pollution rates and environmental destruction. In this technologically advanced society, we find ourselves surprisingly closer than ever to the apocalypse.

El Fin collection is then structured in two parts: the prelude to this outcome and the death of humanity. The first segment includes cuts based on garments from the 60’s and 70’s. “Radioactive” inspired colors such as acid green, red and pink are staining a range of fabrics which include tantalum, corduroy, silk, wool, poplin, and fantasies. The second part is polychromatic and uses tulle and volatile fabrics with much more romantic and bulky cuts.

We fell in love with the pieces from this collection and, of course, the entire concept itself since we are always searching for sustainable and responsible brands. Besides that, we must also say the art direction of this photoshoot has definitely caught our attention with the pastel pink shades and geometric harmony of the setting built with white greek columns and vases.

If you want to see more of Victor Von Schwarz designs (and trust us, you definitely should) then go to their website.


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