Get creative

Create your own game

BALA offers a 7 families card game, not like the others… this time inspired by modern families. Of course, there is no family that looks like another, for its size, composition or what they look like. Family can also be a godfather, a best friend, a favorite toy… it is why you will be the one deciding what your family looks like and how you want to build it. Why not dressing them all as rabbits? Or all being astronauts? Be creative and draw yours!

Credit : BALA

Credit : BALA


Because it is the perfect gift for kids (from 4 years old) to play with and get them out of screens!

This game is made in France, sold with a set of colored pencils plus a small bag to bring it anywhere with you! And oh, it also comes with instructions in English too! So now you have no excuse not to get it ;)


Lucie Poupet, a DIY fan and teacher at Pigeon-Coq, living in Paris. She is also a mum and loves to do workshops with her kids. She got the idea for this game when she was a kid living in London with her friend Clemence. They created their own animal family game. She loved it so much that today she is giving us the chance to create ours with BALA.

Get yours, and show us your family!


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